Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Burial of Veterans at Stuart Nebraska

A List of Burials of Veterans in three Stuart, Nebraska Cemeteries
This is a list of veterans buried in the cemeteries of the Stuart Community Cemetery, the St. Boniface Catholic Cemetery, and in the Cleveland Cemetery

St. Boniface Cemetery and Stuart Community Cemetery are located 1/4 mile west and 1 mile north of the town of Stuart. The Cleveland Cemetery is located1 mile east, then 14 miles north of Stuart.

Grand Army of the Republic
Allyn, AugustusCleveland        Moody, Strong B.Community
Berry, WilliamsClevelandMulford, Charles M.Community
Brown, Louis F.St BonifacePope, C.Community
Brubaker, A.A.CommunityPopplebaum, HermanCommunity
Carpenter, Volney S.CommunityRamey, John H.St Boniface
Corliss, Samuel H.CommunityRohr, SilasCommunity
Galleher, ThomasCommunityRussell, David B.Community
Gilbert, Joseph F.CommunitySheldon, John W. Community
Haskins, Asa K.CommunityTaylor, John C.Community
Hoffman, JohnSt BonifaceThomson, Andrew L.Community
Kirkendall, Wm. M.CommunityTracy, T.F.Community
McCartney, James S.CommunityVoigt, George HCommunity
McCartney, Marlin V.CommunityWalker, H.A.Community
Margritz, George S.CommunityWise, Elmer (also Civil War) Community
Miller, DanielCommunityWise, ChristopherCommunity
Miner, George W.CommunityWright, Wm. WallaceCommunity
Miller, Orville D.CommunityZink, NathanielCommunity

Spanish American War
Galleher, Warren     Community    also World War I)
Wertz, John W.Community
Wise, Elmer Community(also Civil War)

World War I
Bigelow, Dana        McDermott, ShankSt Boniface
Brown, James P.CommunityMcKenzie, Bid.St Boniface
Cadwallader, HarryCommunityMcNaughton, John
Capsey, H.C.Millie, PercyCommunity
Carlisle, RayCommunityMiner, GeorgeSL. Bon.
Chaney, EarlSt BonifaceMlinar, RalphSt Boniface
Chenoweth, AndrewCommunityMulford, CharlesCleveland
Chittick, Robert Jr.CommunityNorton, HarveyCommunity
Clark, Dr. F.J.St BonifaceNorton, James.Community
Canard, DickCommunityPatterson, R.C.Community
Davis, LeRoySt BonifacePeacock, Gardy
Dyer, WardCommunityRamm, JohnSt Boniface
Engler, B.C.St BonifaceRhodes, Roy A.Community
Frost, LutherCommunityRoberts, Harry F.Community
Galleher, Warren Communityalso Spanish American War)
Greenfield, RoyCommunitySchorn, John
Hall, GeorgeCommunityShade, C.B.Community
Hall, JohnCommunityShaffer, BenjaminCommunity
Hamilc, HenrySt BonifaceShald, Gerhard J.St Boniface
Holiday, WeaverCommunityShald, JohnSt Boniface
Holman, LloydCommunitySimons, Charles
Horton, ArtCommunitySimons, NicholasSt Boniface
Jauernig, JohnSt BonifaceStuart, DaleCommunity
Ketterl, JosephSt BonifaceSypal, George
Kohle, HerbertSt BonifaceThurlow, Amos M.Community
Krysl, JosephSt BonifaceWefso, CharlesCommunity
Laible, JosephSt BonifaceWells, WalterCommunity
Wewel, FrankSt Bon.

World War II
Alder, JohnCommunity        Kohle, FrankSt Boniface
Baggett, CarlSt BonifaceKramer, EdwardSt Boniface
Ballard, AlbertKrobot, FrankSt Boniface
Ballard, FredCommunityKruger, JeromeSt Boniface
Ballard, VernonCommunityLane, ErnestCommunity
Bartlett, HaroldLevi, JosephCommunity
Baumeister, BernardSt Bon.McCartney, RobertCommunity
Bernt, JohnSt BonifaceMcCoy, JohnCommunity
Bolen, JamesCommunityMcGrew, JohnCommunity
Brainard, DorsonCommunityMueller, R.A.
Brayton, RobertCommunityNelson, CliffordCommunity
Cadwallader, DonCommunityNewman, Herbert Jr.Community
Cadwallader, KennethCommunityNewman, JamesCommunity
Cadwallader, RobertCommunityNinas, Harry
Cadwallader, WayneNinas, LeonardCommunity
Carlisle, GlennNinas, RobertCommunity
Carlisle, GordonCommunityOlberding, ArthurSt Boniface
Caster, ArlinClevelandPahl, MelvinSt Boniface
Chaney, DonaldSt BonifacePapke, ThomasCommunity
Cieslak, SteveSt BonifacePearson, Lloyd
Coats, NorrisCommunityPettijohn, MoranComm
Coday, HughSt BonifaceRamm, RobertSt Boniface
Cole, JohnSt BonifaceRhodes, Orlo (also Korean)
Conard, HenryCommunitySchneider, EdwardSt Boniface
Criss, GeorgeCommunitySchneider, GeorgeSt Boniface
Deermer, BernardSt BonifaceSchobert, TomSt Boniface
Flannigan, WardSt BonifaceSeger, AlfredSt Boniface
Gans, KennethCommunitySeger, WilfredSt Boniface
Gianey, RobertShald, George H.St Boniface
Gill, GardnerCommunityShald, GilbertSt Boniface
Goebel, AndrewSt BonifaceShald, LouisSt Boniface
Hoffman, ArthurCommunityShane, ElliesSt Boniface
Hoffman, GarySt Boniface Shearer, RichardSt Boniface
Hoffman, John A.CommunitySinions, RalphSt Boniface
Hoffman, Raymond A.CommunitySmith, Walter A.Community
Hoffman, Raymond J.CommunityStiller, Marjorie
Hoffman, Wilbert ArthurCommunityStracke, AmosCommunity
Hovey, WilliamCommunitySydow, Lester
Humerich, HaroldCommunityTielke, GregorySt Boniface
Hytrek, FrankSt BonifaceWadsworth, Beryl
Jensen, JackCommunityWedige, EugeneSt. Bon
Johnson, Rodger EarlCommunityWeichman, FrankSt Boniface
Kath, CleoWells, Walter
Kaup, TonySt Boniface Wewel, Don (also Korean)St. Bon
Keidel, DavidYarges, Melvin
King, GaleSt BonifaceZink, RobertCommunity

Korean War
Batenhorst, JamesSt BonifaceRhodes, Orio (also WW II)
Cole, RobertSt BonifaceSchafer, William Community
Cole, Melvin St Boniface(also Vietnam)
Galinat, LeonardCommunityShald, IvoSt Boniface
Johnson, HaroldCommunitySweet, Edwin P.Cleveland
King, LeonardCommunitySweet, John
Kramer, RalphSt BonifaceThurlow, LavernCommunity
Meusch, RaymondSt BonifaceWeichman, MiltonSt Boniface
Philbrick, RobertCommunityWewel, Don. (also WWII)St Boniface

Brown, FranklinCommunity           Kramer, James St Boniface
Cadwallader, DavidCommunityPickinpaugh, KerryComm
Cole, Melvin (also Korean)St BonifaceTubbs, Robert E.
Gantt, DonaldSt BonifaceRamm, Michael .St. Bon
Jardee, DanielSt BonifaceWilbern, Thomas V.
Kaup, Greg St Boniface

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